Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Silly Wacky Day Pictures

Hey Pandas,

Henry has made a new blog post and this time it's about pictures that Henry received from pandas! Check it out:
"Wow, you guys really showed off your silly and wacky side during Wacky Day yesterday! Mods Jinxsey, Maxxwell, Jamesey, and Jozie told me about all the fun they had with you. Jamesey commented on the great wacky outfit combinations you came up with when he played "Presto Changeo" with you. I love to hear things like that!
My internet decided to have its own Wacky Day yesterday, so I was only able to make one short visit, but I will pop in and surprise you some on Thursday!
I've put up an album of the Wacky Day pictures you sent in. I really got some good laughs out of your outrageous outfits! Here are just a few of the pictures from the album:
 Pandanda pandas are the most awesome pandas ANYWHERE!
Wow, those pandas are really wacky! Did you dress up for 'Silly' Wacky Outfit Day? I sure did, and my picture that I sent in even managed to get on the album!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Silly Wacky Day Tomorrow!

Hey Pandas,

Henry made a new blog post saying that Silly Wacky Day is Tomorrow! Here's what he said:

"It's time again! Time for another day to get silly in Pandanda! On Tuesday, it is your chance to dress and act your silliest!
Yes, I know Halloween just ended, and you wore awesome costumes for that. But for Wacky Day you really want to go completely miss-matched, weird, wild, and silly. Check out the picture above - I bet you can get even crazier than that!
 I will be making some sneaky visits, looking for wacky pandas, and even doing some wacky contests, along with the Moderators. Who knows what kind of silliness we might get up to? Wacky fashion shows, wacky jokes, wacky rules for Panda Gold games. You'll have to pay close attention to any Mods you meet tomorrow - if they shout out "Presto Changeo", everyone has to stop what you are doing and change at least one thing you are wearing! Why, you ask? Because it's wacky!
And if you think you have the wackiest outfit ever, send me a picture at
 All the fun happens Tuesday!
 So what do you think of this, Pandas? Are you going to get in your most silliest, wackiest costume tomorrow? I sure am!


Friday, November 4, 2011

New Pandanda Furniture November 2011

Hey Pandas,

Today Pandanda has added new furniture for us pandas to decorate our trees with! There's some new chairs, couches, candles, and whatever else you could think of! Check it out:

I love the brand new furniture that Pandanda has put out - I especially like the new rugs and candles! What do you think of the new furniture update?


Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Calender Events: December 2011

Hey Pandas,

It's November now and with December being just around the corner, Pandanda has updated their calender with the events of December 2011!

December 7th, 2011 - Red & Green Color Day! Join in the fun by wearing red or green Panda paint and clothing.

December 11th, 2011 - Zing Ballyhoo leaves for vacation. Last day to find tickets around Pandanda and trade them with Zing for his weekly prize.

December 15th, 2011 - Winter Festival Begins! Collect Stocking Stuffers and trade them in for cool Winter Prizes!

December 25th, 2011 - Merry Christmas! Log in and get a free gift for your Panda.

January 1st, 2012 - Happy New Year! Log in and get a free gift for your Panda.

January 3rd, 2012 - Last day of Winter Festival!

So pretty much everything is like last years... and they accidentally put "2011" instead of "2012" on new years... I guess they don't want this year to end! What do you think of December's events? I think they're awesome except nothing new is happening. I'm definitely excited for the Winter Festival and Christmas Day!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pandanda Day of the Dead Free Item!

Hey Pandas,

Today is the Day of the Dead, and Pandanda has released a free item for everyone to buy. The free item is located in the clothing catalog at the Clothing Co. in East Market Street. Click on Fitch and click on the 'Buy Clothes' button.

The Day of the Dead free item is really cool as it's a Skull Mask!

Here's what it looks like on my Panda, Sweetcars12:

What do you think of this year's Day of the Dead free item? I think it's really awesome!


Monday, October 31, 2011

Free Pandanda Halloween Item!

Hey Pandas,

Pandanda has hidden a free Halloween item for everyone to find. This item is hidden very well, but you can find the item at East Market Street. 

When you're at East Market Street, hover your mouse over the brick roof on the left and when you see a present, click on it to receive it.

This prize is really cool this year, as it's a Boo animated shirt!

Here's what it looks like on your Panda when you're wearing it:

I think this gift is awesome, especially the animation! What do you think of this year's spooky Halloween gift?


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Back to Blogging

Hi everyone,

It's been nearly three months since I made my last post here, and since I decided to quit blogging. But, I've decided to change my mind and now I'm back to blogging, and I promise to bring you the latest Pandanda cheats as soon as possible, with the next one being with the next Pandanda update.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Calender Events: September 2011

Hey Pandas,

Today, Pandanda has updated their calender with the events of September 2011 (wow, is it really that far into the year already? Seems like yesterday it was New Year) - and let's just say that September will be an awesome month on Pandanda.

  • September 11th - Stormy Colors Day! It's a dark and stormy day. Join the fun by wearing grey or black paint, clothing, and accessories. 
  • September 12th - Zing Ballyhoo returns! Find golden tickets around Pandanda and trade them with Zing for a weekly prize!
  • September 17th - Game Day! Earn double coins on multiplayer games! Find moderators in Bunny Chase or The Ghosts of Misty Hill for a chance to win Panda Gold.
  • September 24th - September 25th: Free Elite Member Weekend! Everyone who logs in today will have full access to all of Pandanda's Elite Membership features!

Woot, I'm so excited for September (besides school) - especially Game Day and Zing Ballyhoo's return. What are you most excited for? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Zing Ballyhoo Mystery Prize #55

Hey Pandas,

Today is Monday and Zing Ballyhoo has a brand new prize! In order to get this prize, you must collect 10 golden tickets! You can find golden tickets anywhere on Pandanda except for any treehouse. When you see a golden ticket lying on the ground, just walk over and click on it.
When you have collected 10 golden tickets, head over to Zing Ballyhoo at the Treehouse Lobby. You can get there by using the green door in The Den, or just by using your map. The fastest way is using the map (obviously).
Once you are at the Treehouse Lobby, head over to Zing Ballyhoo and click on the exclamation point (!) above his head or just click on Zing Ballyhoo (either way works).
And now, Zing Ballyhoo's 55th mystery prize is... an Explorer Hat!
Here's what it looks on my panda, Sweetcars12's, player card with all the previous items Zing Ballyhoo brought this visit:
What do you think of Zing Ballyhoo's mystery prizes this visit? I think they're pretty cool and definitely unique!


Monday, July 25, 2011

Zing Ballyhoo Mystery Prize #54

Hey Pandas,

Today is Monday and Zing Ballyhoo has a brand new prize! In order to get this prize, you must collect 10 golden tickets! You can find golden tickets anywhere on Pandanda except for any treehouse. When you see a golden ticket lying on the ground, just walk over and click on it.
When you have collected 10 golden tickets, head over to Zing Ballyhoo at the Treehouse Lobby. You can get there by using the green door in The Den, or just by using your map. The fastest way is using the map (obviously).
Once you are at the Treehouse Lobby, head over to Zing Ballyhoo and click on the exclamation point (!) above his head or just click on Zing Ballyhoo (either way works).
And now, Zing Ballyhoo's 54th mystery prize is... a wooden cane!
Here's what it looks like on my panda, Sweetcars12's, player-card with the previous two items that Zing Ballyhoo gave away this visit:
Hmm... this theme is hard to decipher. Do you have any idea what this theme is? What do you think of Zing Ballyhoo's mystery prize this week? 


Monday, July 18, 2011

Zing Ballyhoo Mystery Prize #53

Hey Pandas,

Today is Monday and Zing Ballyhoo has a brand new prize! In order to get this prize, you must collect 10 golden tickets! You can find golden tickets anywhere on Pandanda except for any treehouse. When you see a golden ticket lying on the ground, just walk over and click on it.
When you have collected 10 golden tickets, head over to Zing Ballyhoo at the Treehouse Lobby. You can get there by using the green door in The Den, or just by using your map. The fastest way is using the map (obviously).
Once you are at the Treehouse Lobby, head over to Zing Ballyhoo and click on the exclamation point (!) above his head or just click on Zing Ballyhoo (either way works).
And now, Zing Ballyhoo's 53rd mystery prize is... binoculars
Here is what it looks like on my panda, Sweetcars12's, player-card with Zing Ballyhoo's previous items this visit:
Hmm... very interesting theme. I really like the binoculars and it'd be very cool if you could actually look through them, but sadly you can't. What do you think of this week's item and what do you think Zing Ballyhoo's theme is? 


Monday, July 11, 2011

Zing Ballyhoo Mystery Prize #52

Hey Pandas,

Today is Monday and Zing Ballyhoo has a brand new prize! In order to get this prize, you must collect 10 golden tickets! You can find golden tickets anywhere on Pandanda except for any treehouse. When you see a golden ticket lying on the ground, just walk over and click on it.
When you have collected 10 golden tickets, head over to Zing Ballyhoo at the Treehouse Lobby. You can get there by using the green door in The Den, or just by using your map. The fastest way is using the map (obviously).

Once you are at the Treehouse Lobby, head over to Zing Ballyhoo and click on the exclamation point (!) above his head or just click on Zing Ballyhoo (either way works).
And now, Zing Ballyhoo's 52nd mystery prize is... a tropical toucan background!
Here's what it looks like on my panda, Sweetcars12's, player card:
I think this background is very cool. I bet this theme is something tropical, or it could be something totally different. What do you think of the tropical toucan background?
