Monday, March 28, 2011

Zing Ballyhoo Mystery Prize #46

Hey Pandas,

It's Monday again so that means that Zing Ballyhoo has a brand new prize! In order to get this prize you MUST collect 10 golden tickets. Without the 10 tickets, you will not be able to get this week's prize. You can find golden tickets anywhere on Pandanda Island except for your treehouse.

When you get 10 golden tickets, head over to the Treehouse Lobby and click on the exclamation point (!) above Zing Ballyhoo's head.

You should be given a choice of choosing between the weekly prize or 500 coins. If I were you, I would get the prize because it may not return for a long time.

And, finally... Zing Ballyhoo's 46th item is... a blue balloon!
This is a very interesting prize. I wonder why Zing Ballyhoo chose to bring a balloon. What do you think of this new prize?


Monday, March 21, 2011

Zing Ballyhoo's Mystery Item #45

Hey Pandas,

It's Monday again so that means that Zing Ballyhoo has a brand new prize! In order to get this prize you MUST collect 10 golden tickets. Without the 10 tickets, you will not be able to get this week's prize. You can find golden tickets anywhere on Pandanda Island except for your treehouse.

When you get 10 golden tickets, head over to the Treehouse Lobby and click on the exclamation point (!) above Zing Ballyhoo's head.

You should be given a choice of choosing between the weekly prize or 500 coins. If I were you, I would get the prize because it may not return for a long time.

And, finally... Zing Ballyhoo's 45th item is... Shamrock Glasses!

So far, two of the items have been St. Patrick's Day related. I think that this item is very cool. What about you?


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pandanda - St. Patrick's Day 2011 Free Item!

Hey Pandas,

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Remember to wear green or you'll get pinched! Luckily, for all you Pandas that don't have any green clothing, when you login to Pandanda today you will receive a free item! And the free item is... A Shamrock T-Shirt!
I think that the item is very sweet, and I love the four-leaf clover! What do you think of this year's St. Patrick's Day Free item?


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Zing Ballyhoo's Mystery Item #44

Hey Pandas,

I must apologize for the late post. I've been busy with school because I have had a lot of tests in the passed week. Anyway, Zing Ballyhoo returned on Monday with a new prize! In order to get this prize you MUST collect 10 golden tickets. You can find golden tickets anywhere on Pandanda Island except for your treehouse.

When you get 10 golden tickets, head over to the Treehouse Lobby and click on the exclamation point (!) above Zing Ballyhoo's head.

You should be given a choice of choosing between the weekly prize or 500 coins. If I were you, I would get the prize because it may not return for a long time.

And, finally... Zing Ballyhoo's 44th item is... A St. Patrick's Day Spirally Party Hat!

This item is VERY cool and unique! I'm guessing that next week's prize will have something to do with St. Patrick's Day, or something completely different! What do you guys think of the 44th Zing Ballyhoo item?


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pandanda's Level 40 Party!

Hey Pandas,

Pandanda's Level 40 Party was today and it was HUGE! There were so many Level 40 Questers that it began to lag! Check out what it was like before the party!

Amazing, right? Now I know what you all are waiting for - The High Flying Adventure sneak peeks! Well, Henry named his dragon Raphael, and he's a tame dragon! This awesome picture is of Henry RIDING on his dragon, Raphael!

I looks REALLY cool! Now, here's a few more sneak peeks of the High Flying Adventure and other cool stuff:
Yeah, pretty cool, right? I'm really curious to know a few things, though - What is the other thing you will be able to ride? And what is that 'special something' that Pandanda hasn't revealed yet (It has something to do with the other islands, though). Just a few thoughts. And here's Henry stuck on the walls of Shady Glen after his dragon went away.

I bet it was nice up there! So, were you able to make it to the Level 40 party? What are you most excited for?


Friday, March 4, 2011

Level 40 Party and High Flying Adventure Sneak Peek!

Hey Pandas!

Henry has posted on the blog about the Level 40 Party tomorrow as well as a Sneak Peek of the High Flying Adventure! Check out what he has to say:
"It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s … … Henry on a dragon? Yep, it will be Saturday, when Pandanda Land finally gets a look at the rideable dragon that is coming up soon in the High Flying Adventure Quest! 
 The Super Questers who have reached Level 40 and above will be the first to see the flying dragon during the Exclusive Level 40 Party tomorrow, Saturday at 11am Pandanda Time, on Palm server. I am really looking forward to celebrating your awesome Questing skills at the party! Make sure to have your cameras ready to get pictures of the dragon in action. It’ll be his first time to be around a crowd of pandas, but don’t worry - he’s well trained!  
 Saturday afternoon, after the Level 40 party, I will be flying around to visit other Pandanda servers with the dragon. You never know where and when I might drop from the skies on my dragon!  
I hope everyone is working on their drawings for the Player Card Drawing Contest. Your entries have started to arrive, and they are looking great! Remember to read the rules carefully, and get your drawings in by the end of the day on Wednesday, March 16th. You can send in more than one drawing, just make sure it is your very best work!
 Here are the times around the world for the Level 40 Party tomorrow. Hope to see you there!  
Awesome! I CAN'T wait for this party, it seems awesome! I'll be SURE to take a picture of Henry flying on his dragon and pictures of the party! Are you going to the party?


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March Merriment!

Hey Pandas!

Henry has posted a post on what we will see in March 2011! Can you believe it's already here? Well, anyway, check it out!
"The winter snows are melting in Pandanda, and spring is on its way! March is going to be full of colorful and exciting parties and events to help clear away any winter doldrums that might still be hanging around. 
Let’s get things started with a contest! It’s time for you to show your creativity and design a Player Card Background. The contest will start on Wednesday, March 2nd. I’ll have all the details and rules in my Blog tomorrow.
 The next big event will be this Saturday, with an exclusive party for Elite Questers who have reached Level 40 and above. Starting at 11:00 am Pandanda Time on Saturday, March 5th, I will be celebrating with those dedicated Questers on a private server. And yes, I will give them a sneak peek at the High Flying Adventure! Watch my blog later this week for a chart with party times around the world, as well as the name of the server we will be partying on. I can’t wait!  
 After the Level 40 party ends on Saturday, if you keep your eyes open and watch the Pandanda skies, you may get your own chance to see me flying on my dragon!  
Mark your calendar for these other March events: 
  • Tuesday, March 8th - Mardi Gras Celebration. Dress in purple, gold/yellow, and green.  
  • Monday, March 14th - Zing Ballyhoo returns with his Golden Tickets and prizes. 
  • Thursday, March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day with gift. Wear green, so you won’t get pinched! 
  • Saturday, March 19th - Welcome Spring Party. I will visit Pandanda to party with you! 
  • Saturday, March 26th - Free Elite Member Day.
I hope you are as excited about March as I am! It’s going to be a marvelous month!"
Wow! March seems like an EPIC month this year! I honestly can not wait for Spring to return, and the Level 40 Quest Party with a sneak peek at High Flying Adventure! What are you most excited for that's coming up in March? Also, click here for a chance to win an Elite Membership!


Pandanda Calendar Updates!

Click Here for a chance to win a Elite Membership!

Hey Pandas,

There has been some events updated to our Pandanda calendar.
If you havent checked your calendar yet here they are,

Free Elite Day - March 26th.
Easter Egg Hunt - April 15th - May 2nd.

Easter Day - April 24th.

I cant wait for the easter egg hunt, i'm sure it will be alot of fun. Though before we celebrate easter, we still have a entire march to pass. Cya Around Pandanda!
