Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Buddy Online Message & July Membership Giveaway!

Hey Pandas,

There has been a neat update on Pandanda land. Once your buddy gets online/offline a small message, Pops up by your map. Here is a pic if you haven't seen it,

And when your buddy goes offline, the message simply changes to offline.
I think this update is neat, Because your informed about your buddy being Online.

Also Pandanda is have a July Membership Giveaway,

Each day of July, Pandanda will ramdomly choose a Panda to giveaway Elite Membership.
And ther winner will also be added to the "new" widget/sidebar on Henry's blog!

You can Click here to see more information about the July Membership Giveaway.

And if you haven't checked your calendar yet,
There is going to be, Another, Yes another Free Elite Day.

On July 17th, So all pandas get to see the benifits of getting membership.
I cant wait for july, its going to be great, Cya Around Pandanda!



  1. Will you put my widget on your site I'll put yours on mine

  2. Hmm quite strange. Pandanda :|
    Planet Cazmo Rules Forever!

  3. Hehehe, you should have a banner Ziggy xD That I can use on PDG, PDC, and PDN. xP

