Friday, October 15, 2010

Pandanda Pumpkin Festival 2010!!

Ello Pandanda community! ^.^ Woohoo, Pandanda very first Pumpkin Festival is finally here - where you collect Halloween Candy pieces all over Pandanda, and trade them in for lots of awesome exclusive prizes just for this Pumpkin Festival 2010 only!! :D Just like the past festivals we had, Summer Festival & Harvest Festival ^^

There is also a really kool feature Pandanda added to our bubble chat, if you haven't seen it yet. But pretty much, the text are now orange and bubble is black to match Halloween, which looks really awesome!! ^.^

Pandanda Pumpkin Festival 2010

Now lets get started about the Pumpkin Festival on Pandanda, click the Pumpkin Basket of Halloween Candy pieces in the top right of your screen, below the Map Icon.

Pandanda Pumpkin Festival 2010

Halloween Candy pieces pop up anywhere in Pandanda Land! Pretty much like Tickets for Zing Ballyhoo, and Cans + Fruits along with past festivals. The Candies appear in more rooms, and THANKFULLY a lot quicker then Zing Tickets, hehehe. :P

A strategy to collect these is to switch rooms often, and really pay attention. With quests now, when working on quests, you would be able to get some more candies without trying too! ^.^

And if you notice already, all the candy pieces are different and when you pick it up, it drops into a pumpkin basket! :D

Pandanda Pumpkin Festival 2010  Pandanda Pumpkin Festival 2010

After you find at least 5 Halloween Candy pieces, you can trade them in for prizes!! Just go to and click the Cauldron of Prizes at West Street Market to trade in the Halloween Candy pieces for spooky and fun prizes! :D

Pandanda Festival 2010

There are a bunch of fantastic, spooky prizes to choose from at the Cauldron of Prizes! ^.^ My favorite prizeS probably be the Black Paint along with the Haunted Ghost Potion, hehehe! :P Lol, the Pumpkin costume is cute and funny too. xD But all of the prizes are really cool either way! ^.^ What do you think pandas, which one is your favorite?? :P

Pandanda Harvest Festival 2010

Also, this is how it looks like when you use the potion, it is REALLY wicked! ^.^

Pandanda Harvest Festival 2010

Now like said before in the Pandanda Newsletter, there are extra Quests during the Pumpkin Festival to help you level up your Panda! So more fun and excitement all over Pandanda for us all pandas! :P You can find these extra quests at Paige and a ghost located in the Haunted House at Misty Hill call Draco. :)

Pandanda Pumpkin Festival 2010  Pandanda Pumpkin Festival 2010

Lots of decorated rooms, and much more with all the fun & spooky prizes that are wicked pandas! And I'm so happy there are more quests, just for the festival! My favorite room is probably at Bear Hollow with all the detailed decorations and accessories added to the room along with transportation mirror that brings you to the Parlour! ^.^

Pandanda Pumpkin Festival 2010

In all, I think Pandanda Pumpkin Festival 2010 is really awesome and the feature is wicked! :D Lol minus the horrifying part of collecting but we have weeks to collect all these scattered Halloween Candy pieces around Pandanda, hehehe. xP

Anywho, I really like the added feature Pandanda added to our bubble chat to fit into the whole Halloween style! :D So what is your favorite prize and room pandas? And what do you think about Pandanda Pumpkin Festival?! :D Remember to come to our Halloween Bash Party tomorrow!! ^.^


P.S. Don't forget to check out all the awesome new Halloween costumes released on Pandanda in the Pandanda Collection at Clothing Co. from Fitch!! ^.^ To check out all the wicked costumes, click HERE! ;)

1 comment:

  1. On PD my username is draco6 and the vendor for halloween is called draco! i cant believe it! In halloween im gonna turn into a ghost and stay with my friend draco!

    P.S Please visit my blog pandanda4u or
