Friday, December 10, 2010

Pandanda Questy GreyBeard is Here!

Hey Pandas,

There is a new Resident on Pandanda Land. And as you may have heard from Henry, His name is Questy GreyBeard. You can find him at Treehouse Lobby,

Questy sells items to pandas with certain Quests Level.
Once you clicked on him, Click on "Quest Rewards" to see his Quests Catalog.
Once you've clicked on Quest Rewards, This catalog should appear.

This new catalog has really neat and magically items, Though kinda expensive. If you havent seen the catalog yet, Here are some Pages of it.

Now every panda has another excuse to finish there quests. What do you think of Questy GreyBeard? I think he's a great new resident. Well, Cya Around Pandanda!


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