Monday, August 30, 2010

Guess that Room - Contest!

Hey Pandas,

It's time for a contest, This will be thepdgeco's 1st official contest. And you could win a (1 Month) PD Membership. The contest theme is - Guess that Room!

Here's how its gonna go down,

You will need to Guess, What room is shown in the following pictures. There are a total of 5 pics, The panda to guess all pictures correct could win the PD membership.

Leave a comment with your guesses. For example,

#1 - _________

Also dont forget to mention your panda name. All comments/entries will be visible after contest is over, On September 1st. Good luck pandas. Cya around Pandanda!

Update: All correct guessers will be put into a Raffle, And one lucky panda will win.



  1. 1. Pet Shop
    2. Pawthorne Forest
    3. Coconut Beach
    4. East Market Street
    5. Darby Field

  2. 1. Pet Shop
    2. Pawthorne Forest
    3. Dance Club (The Purple Door)
    4. East Market Street
    5. Darby Field

  3. Panda name: Secretspanda

    1 - Pet Shop
    2 - Pawthorne Forest
    3 - Purple Door
    4 - East Market Street
    5 - Shady Glen


  4. 1. Pet Shop
    2. Pawthorne Forest
    3. Dance Club (aka. The Purple Door)
    4. East Market Street
    5. Shady Glen

  5. #1 - Pet Shop
    #2 - Pawthorne Forest
    #3 - The Purple Door
    #4 - East Market Street
    #5 - Shady Glen

  6. 1:Pet Shop
    2:Pawthorne Forest
    3: Purple Door
    4:East Market Street
    5:Shady Gleen
    My panda name is Lari1917

  7. #1- Pet Shop
    #2-Pawthorne Forest
    #3-Purple Door
    #4-East Market Street
    #5-Shady Glen
    My Pandanda name is kash911 :)

  8. 1. pet shop
    2. pawthorne forest
    3. purple door
    4. east market street
    5. shady glen


  9. 1. Pet Shop
    2. Pawthorne Forest
    3. The Purple Door
    4. East Market Street
    5. Shady Glen
    ^.^ Hope I win!

  10. Man, that's easy! :-)

    1. Pets
    2. Pawthorne Forest
    The toughest one is #3 - The Orchard?
    4. East Market Street
    5. Shady Glen

  11. Panda Name: Tiggy987
    #1: PEt Shop
    #2: Pawthorne Forest
    #3: Purple Door
    #4: East Market Street
    #5: Shady Glen

  12. My Panda Name is Flory7272!

    #1 - Pet Shop
    #2 - Pawthorne Forest
    #3 - The Purple Door
    #4 - East Market Street
    #5 - Shady Glen

  13. #1- Pet Shop
    #2- Pawthorne Forest
    #3- The Purple Door
    #4- East Market Street
    #5- Shady Glen
    Did I win?

  14. #1-Pet Shop
    #2-Pawthorne Forest
    #3-Bear Hollow
    #4-East Market Street
    #5-Shady Glen

    Panda Name: Adel500


  15. #1- The Fish Tank At The Petshop
    #2- Pawthorne Forest
    #3- Purple Door Ceiling
    #4- Shady Glen

    My Panda Name is Clones

  16. 1#- Pet Shop
    2#- Pawthorne Forest
    3#- Purple Door
    4#- East Market Street
    5#- Shady Glen


  17. 1-Pet shop
    2-Pawthorne Forest
    3-The Purple Door
    4-East Market Street
    5-Shady Glen

    I hope win <3


    Twitter: @Gelu_cool

  18. Name:Codoyote/Zach7759

    #1-Pet Shop
    #2-Pawthorne Forest
    #3-Purple Door
    #4-East Market Street
    #5-Shady Glen

  19. Panda Name: RodyBrazil
    #1 - Pet Shop
    #2 - Pawthorne Forest
    #3 - Purple Door
    #4 - East Market Street
    #5 - Shady Glen

  20. hi geco

    I once did a contest like this...
    Great idea i must say...

    Lets take a look at these pics then...

    #1 - Pet Shop
    #2 - Pawthorne Forest
    #3 - The Purple Door
    #4 - East Market Street
    #5 - Shady Glen

    Oohhh that last one was hard...

    By Sandano

  21. These are my answers:

    1 - Pet Shop fish tank
    2 - Pawthorne Forest
    3 - Purple Door ceiling
    4 - East Market Street clock tower
    5 - Shady Glen rock on the right side

    My panda's name is PewyNora9845, also, how do you make your videos? They're awesome! You have inspired me!!!
