Monday, March 21, 2011

Zing Ballyhoo's Mystery Item #45

Hey Pandas,

It's Monday again so that means that Zing Ballyhoo has a brand new prize! In order to get this prize you MUST collect 10 golden tickets. Without the 10 tickets, you will not be able to get this week's prize. You can find golden tickets anywhere on Pandanda Island except for your treehouse.

When you get 10 golden tickets, head over to the Treehouse Lobby and click on the exclamation point (!) above Zing Ballyhoo's head.

You should be given a choice of choosing between the weekly prize or 500 coins. If I were you, I would get the prize because it may not return for a long time.

And, finally... Zing Ballyhoo's 45th item is... Shamrock Glasses!

So far, two of the items have been St. Patrick's Day related. I think that this item is very cool. What about you?


1 comment:

  1. -RanRan

    When are you going to annouce the winner of the find the treasure contest?
